Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Comparison of Two Short Stories Essay

Once† and analyze the ways in which each conveys the symbols of â€Å"The Journey†. A Journey Is defined as a â€Å"passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success† (Dictionary. om online dictionary, n. d. ). These two stories allows you to place yourself in the characters shoes to see and feel the story that is being old through the character eyes as you watch It unfold. The Journey that Is being told by Jean Rhys Is definitely one that can be related to by anyone that has made a visit to their childhood home minus the death. It is also easy to relate to Frost’s character because I have been at several crossroads in my life and have often chosen the road less taken, which has yielded great and not so great outcomes. These writings are obviously taking place outside on a road, indicating that a Journey Is In the works. Although both stories use imagery and symbolism, they are extremely different in heir message. Rhys’ story uses imagery to help detail the spiritual Journey ofa woman whose reality comes to a very climactic ending when she realizes that she is no longer alive. Frost’s story regales us with his version of Imagery In which his character learns that It’s not always important which road you take; as long as you choose one, you will experience the life that come with it. The character is trying to let us know that it is very easy to make a life-changing decision based on an outer something that was not known to the characters before the Journey began. As each f these stories develops, the characters do not portray the same mindset towards their paths. In both poetry and short stories, a theme is intended and conveyed through the author’s works. Literary elements such as rhythm, rhyme, and tone differentiate poems from short stories and dramatic works. However, there are some similarities between short stories and poetry which include fgures of speech, settings, foreshadowing and conflict. These allow the reader to connect to the author and their works. Settings are important because it depicts â€Å"the time or place in which fictional events occur. It puts boundaries around the action and defines the environment in which conflicts can be witnessed and character development observed. Setting may also have a social dimension in which particular local customs, dress, or speech provide a framework for understanding the characters and their interactions† (Clugston, 2010). The one major similarity between these two works is the absence ofa plot. Our text defines a plot as â€Å"a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build toa climax and bring about a resolution† (Clugston, 2010). Poems are written utilizing verses or stanzas which cause the reader to experience an emotion. Short stories on the other hand are fictional writings that details cause and effect and it is shorter than a novel. â€Å"The Road Not Taken† has four stanzas of five lines in which a rhyme scheme is taking place, syllables are being emphasized or stressed and it utilizes iambic tetrameter instead of pentameter. Tetrameter is define as â€Å"a line consisting of four dipodies in trochaic, iambic, or anapestic meter; a verse of four feet† (Dictionary. com online dictionary, n. d. ). There is absolutely no climax in â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, as the characters only decision is which road to take. Steppe states, â€Å"In the poem there is a man who has come toa crossroad in his life. One path is traveled on frequently while the other path is not. He has to make a decision as to what path he should take. No matter what, he knows that he cannot turn back once he has made the choice, but it is implied† (â€Å"Symbolism†, 2011). He chose the road that was traveled the least and it was the perfect decision for him. According to Clugston, a symbol is â€Å"a word picture that presents an object, person, r action that conveys two meanings: Its own literal meaning and something it stands for as well† (Clugston, 2010, Ch. 2. 3, Para. 10). In I Used To Live Here Once (1976) Jean Rhys details a woman’s return to a place she called home in which the story is being told through her eyes as she gives vivid details of subtle and not so subtle changes of her surroundings in which you can visualize the sentiment she has for the place. The point of view for this short story is limited third person omniscient, and according to Clugston (2010), it is defined as â€Å"a point of view when the thoughts and eelings of only one of the characters are related to the narrator† (Ch. 5. 2, Para. 3). If the author had used a different point of view and had not provided the reader with the very intimate and thoughts of the character, the symbolism would have been lost or too abundant, that some key points to the story would have been missed. The point of view in The Road Not Taken is first-person-point-of-view, which â€Å"occurs when the narrator describes his or her personal action and thoughts as a participant in the Rhys’ story begins with her character standing by a river looking at the stepping tones and remembering the details about each of them (Clugston, 2010). Each stones description could represent a time in her life in which she was faced with easy and difficult situations in which choices were made, whether good or bad. â€Å"The next one wasn’t so safe for when the river was full the water flowed over it and even when it showed dry it was slippery’ (Clugston, 2010).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Religion plays Essay

The monster, as the Professor realised before he pursued the project, has the potential inside him to be so overwhelmingly good, almost angelic, which is shown through the natural instinct to help the family he stays with, but the monster also possesses the potential to take up mostly evil actions, for example, when he murders young Willy as revenge for Frankenstein making him the way he did and creating how he is to live his as an outsider. The monster has no identity; he is precariously composed of disfigured limbs and organs; no part of the body belongs to him as a person- all the personalities are mingled and therefore, Frankenstein’s monster cannot be described as an individual mind or body. As a result of being made up of so many different body parts- intelligent, criminal, thief- he has many different interchangeable personalities, which all come as natural to him. The monster is ugly, there’s no other word for it; his appearance is horrific, people hide and cringe at the sight of it, but there is the possibility for the monster to be loved by the human race. This is proven in the circumstances wherein the blind man makes friends with the monster, and therefore appearance does not matter, only the person inside; the monster can be loved although on the outside he is ugly, different and unnatural. It is partly the monster’s fault that he ends up being hated by everyone, although Frankenstein holds most of the blame. He went against the Professor’s will through using his notes and didn’t consider the dangerous consequences that come of meddling with God and nature. He made a creature that had no say in how he was created before he was brought to life, it was brought into the world without consent and the monster cannot retaliate or control the consequences. He has to live a life of rejection as a result of his uncontrollable appearance, the main reason of hatred for him. The monster, often unintentionally for these were his natural reactions; part of his personality, inflicts the hatred upon himself. He undergoes deeds considered as demonic, but as revenge, a natural instinct. There are many moral issues throughout the story, the strongest being that, all the innocent people are the ones who die, they are conquered by evil. Elizabeth, Justine and Willy are all murdered unjustly, whereas the monster lives for longer and provokes the murders. Another is that, Captain Walton, although having an obsession for reaching the North Pole, abandons his voyage after hearing Frankenstein’s story. Religion plays a large part in Frankenstein, God is referred to several times, for example, when Victor has an argument at university, he is said to be meddling with God and nature through the experiment. Also religion is represented when the monster is thought to be dead and rises in the chains to symbolise the crucifixion of Jesus. Here is a symbolic reading at Victor’s death, â€Å"God judges everything, good and bad, but also creates evil beings.† The whole film was quite confusing and the cyclical narrative at the beginning enhanced this so I was often left pondering over what was happening. I thought that, although there were many changes to the original storyline, for example, when Elizabeth is brought back to life in the film and not in the book, this version was a suitable adaptation and flowed very well, enhanced by the excellent special effects.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Experiment Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Experiment Proposal - Essay Example According to Barnes, V (2004 P. 23), many times AD begins towards the age of 60 and the risk goes up as you get older. No treatment can stop the disease. However, Richmond (2006) says that, some drugs may help keep symptoms from getting worse for a limited time. This experiment will be a well-controlled study of Alzheimer patients and will take 18 months. Basically, the experiment will be aimed at studying the efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of an experimental drug called Physostigmine in treating Alzheimers disease. The drug appears to enhance acetylcholine levels in the brain by cutting back on the effects of an enzyme known as destroy ACh. It is expected that use of Physostigmine will, in the long run, help slow the progress of the disease. The age and the ability to speak fluent English will be the independent variables while the cognitive and behavioral change will be the dependent variables. A sample of 100 will be selected from a population of Alzheimers patients who have been diagnosed and found to be having it. Care will be taken to make sure that all those that are selected to take part in this study well represent the whole population. Further, the gender of the participant will be of importance as males may be preferred as it has been happening in most cases. Probably, a sample of 50 males and 50 females will be used. All the participants will have their cognitive and behavioral characteristics tested to be aware of their level before the study after which they will undergo three steps each approximated to take six months. The drug, Physostigmine, will be administered to each patient as per prescriptions. After this, the level recogtion and behaviour change will be recorded. This will be compared to the initial results to see whether there is any tangible change. This procedure will be repeated for the second time using a different prescription and the same tests as well as comparisons carried out. The last stage will follow.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Final - Essay Example It has deities based on the religious sect such as bodhisattvas, Mahayana faction, and space Buddha considered as gods as well as goddesses in the universe. Some of the most celebrated deities include the white Taras, laughing Buddha, medicine Buddha, and Kuan Yin. Furthermore, Buddhism fails to accept the actuality of the soul or atman as true. Individuals encompass five constituents, which are mental development, ideations, physical appearance, feelings, as well as consciousness. They integrate to delineate a human form during birth. Besides, Buddhists believe in reincarnation and karma, which contradicts the notion of human nature (Buddhist Temples, 2011). Hinduism Hinduism constitutes a number of deities categorized under several aspects such as Adi Parashakti, Shiva, Brahman, Durga, Lakshmi and Vishnu. The majority of Hinduism deities are portrayed through images, and distinguished by number of arms, posture, facial expression as well as dressing. Although Hinduism comprises sev eral deities, they basically act as a go-between linking Hindus to the supreme God, Brahman. As such, Hinduism acknowledges the presence of god (Brahma) who is manifested as various gods as well as goddesses. ... These paths influence lives as well as cultures of Hindus. In addition, Vedas emphasizes the significance of the life of the family circle as the extemporal depiction of humans. It requires individuals to carry out their social duties, lead an appropriate life and bear children. Based on teachings of Hinduism gurus, Upanishads acknowledge the uniting of Hindus with Brahman on the condition that their perceptions and actions are acceptable. In this sense, individuals ought to relinquish their sins, and begin a life of simplicity. As a result, Hindus must engage in deep truth-seeking analysis, thorough reflection, and develop true knowledge of self in order to attain the state of karma (Patheos, 2011). Question 2: Moses and Monotheism Moses revolutionized the religious orientation of Israelites by persuading them to acknowledge monotheism (belief in one God). The belief in one God had a significant effect on the lives of Israelites. It marked the end of idolatry, and decline of the bel ief in the existence of multiple gods as well as goddesses. Hebrews had a distinctive deity of tribal divinity before the time of Moses, which Joseph’s clans gave their allegiance to during the transit from Egypt. However, Moses introduced them to their God, Yahweh, at the mountain of Sinai who Israelites did not know by His name before. He is a storm God, God of fire, a tribal God, and the aspect of anthropomorphism. As a result, Israelites developed a more profound faith in their beliefs and religious practices. The primitive God, Yahweh, was considered as the territorial deity of the land occupied by the Israelites. This religious perspective set the stage for the continuation and development of the other several Abrahamic religious

Saturday, July 27, 2019

THE PERSUASIVE SPEECH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THE PERSUASIVE SPEECH - Essay Example As we know, those who oppose gun control usually highlight the necessary for self-protection. They also maintain that individuals with guns would ensure self defense when police fail to provide protection to general public. However, evidently gun is not devised to threaten or injure someone but to kill. Hence, the free use of guns must be banned despite the so called benefits. In the first place, once gun becomes a common utensil like knife or pen nobody will take serious care of it. Evidences show that guns are very often misused by everyone especially school children, for when they get emotionally upset, instead of seeking some counseling measures, they tend to pick parent’s gun and shoot at their peers and teachers. As reported in the New York Times dated May 2, 2011, in the 90s, the number of children carrying guns to the school was more than 10, 0000 in the US (School Shootings). In the same way, the overall murder rate of the United States is â€Å"six times higher than the average economically developed nation† (Carter 4). It is also reported by Cleck that â€Å"both gun carrying and gun violence are phenomena almost entirely confined to world outside schools† (qtd. in â€Å"Texas Plan for guns..†). The statistics clearly shows the incidents like shooting in a college of Alabama killing one woman wounding three on April 7th 2011. The killing of 12 elementary school students by a gun man in Rio De Jeniro, Brazil on April 8th stands on the top of all such incidents (School shootings, May 2, 2011). The practice of allowing children to get access to guns is not digestible for common sense. Some others argue that since criminals have guns, the public also must be given guns to counter balance the situation. There are people who have the license to use guns. But still there are incidents like bank robbery and house breaking. If the license to use guns would well tackle

Consumer Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Consumer Behaviour - Assignment Example Consumer Behaviour The term consumer behavior is simply the behavior that consumers display in searching, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of services and products that they think will satisfy their wants and needs. Consumer behavior centers at how individuals make decisions to use or spend their available resources, that is, time effort or money on consumption linked items. This simply means what they buy, where they buy it, when they purchase it, how often they utilize or use it, how they analyze it after they buy it and the impact of evaluating it in future and lastly, the way they dispose of it. In other words, consumer behavior can be used to refer to the behavior of individuals in regard to acquisition, utilization, and disposal of products, ideas, services or experiences. Acquisition and use of information are also included in consumer behavior. This means that, communicating with consumers and getting feedbacks from them forms a crucial and important part to marketers. Importance of studying customers’ behavior Studying consumer behavior is very significant in our lives. It plays a very crucial role in our daily activities. Every body spends a lot of time in market places and other places shopping different items. Before doing any transaction, everybody must make a decision. This shows that, consumer behavior cannot be avoided in our lives. It also plays a crucial role in marketing. Understanding consumer behavior is important in successful delivery of firms’ offerings in market places. ... This is analysis and evaluation of trends and conditions in market places to understand consumers’ needs that are not fully met. Here, it is useful in identifying the weaknesses and developing these weaknesses to meet consumers’ satisfaction. Consumer behavior is also used in Target Market Selection. This is identifying different groupings of consumers who have needs and wants that are unique and segment selection that matches the strengths of the firm. It analyses all this and then offer better chances and opportunities. Consumer behavior also involves Marketing Mix Destination. This is development and implementation of strategies for delivering effective combination of different features of satisfying wants to consumers within target market. Marketing mix is made up of four components, namely; place, promotion, price and product. Each and every person has his or her own way of perceiving or understanding things. Cognition and affect are one and same (Chisnall, 1995). Understanding of marketing strategy is also part of consumer behavior. Strategies used in marketing as well as the tactics are based on beliefs about consumer behavior. These beliefs can either be implicit or explicit. Not to forget, regulatory policy needs wide knowledge of consumer behavior. In addition, understanding of consumer behavior will also be incredibly useful in social marketing. Social marketing is use of marketing tactics and strategies to create or alter behaviors that have constructive effects on the target individuals and the society. It is used to increase sound environmental behaviors and to reduce vices like smoking. It is also used to improve support of charities and reduction of behaviors leading to HIV/AIDS. Evaluation of attitude According to Olson and Peter, analyzing

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Situation of Horace and Wynona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Situation of Horace and Wynona - Essay Example Further, the parking lease of Nicola is for ten years and according to the section for where a lease for more than seven years is granted, it is compulsory for the title to be registered. Since Horace had failed to do so the title had, in fact, become defective. Also as the title has not been registered Simon would not be obligated to pay any rent to either his parents or to Pavel, Simon would also be able to claim that he has an ownership interest in the property as he is Horace and Wynona’s heir. Wynona is also entitled to take Horace to the court of law over questions regarding his ownership rights, as the title is unregistered and there is no single owner of the property, and since she has also made payments towards to the purchase of the property she is the real owner of the property and hence entitled to an equal share in the income generated from the sale. Under such big circumstances, where the property, which has been transferred, is in dispute any transfers so made a re not considered legal. Horace has also neglected to inform Pavel of any material defect in the contract, and by not doing so has failed to uphold his duties and obligations as a seller. Under such circumstances, Pavel may hold the sale to be void. It has also been established that the sale of the property by Horace to Pavel is a fraudulent one, therefore Pavel may either hold the sale as void or may sue Horace for damages. On his part, Pavel failed to exercise due care and did not inquire about the title.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aid for trade (2) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aid for trade (2) - Coursework Example As part of its mandate, WTO formulated aids for trade to assist developing countries establish trade infrastructure and capacity necessary to capture trade opening benefits (Lombaerde & Puri, 2013, p. 570). Aid for trade offers concessional loans and grants to developing countries for trade related programs and projects targeted to benefit the international trade. Application of international standards is because of its significance and  key component to implementation and process of operation. International standards provide scalability of services on offer as well as ensuring desirable interaction between every participant involved in international chain of supply (Trebilcock et al., 2013, p. 47). The legal framework of every country involved in international trade is key to success of international business. However, there are various differences between legal frameworks of each country. A country’s laws serve to regulate business practices, define policies, obligations and rights involved. The government of a particular nation is the defining framework of within which businesses operate. Most businesses have contract that regulates transactions. Similarly, contract law is responsible for governing contract enforcement. A strong legal system exists across the borders to protect businesses against theft, blackmail, threats, smuggling, and piracy. In addition, a legal framework prevents government bureaucrats from seeking favor or taking part in corruption activities, as well as the violation by local authorities. When two countries have trade engagements, each of the countries enjoy gains that arise from varying domestic exchange ratios. The difference in the production cost of goods and services in each country creates exchange ratios that favor each side involved. International trade also enables both national consumers and producers to benefit from an

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Choices and Outcomes in Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Choices and Outcomes in Life - Essay Example Paul Graham insists that we have to do what we love. The three writers offer us some insights on how to approach and handle failures in life. Our backgrounds will always be different. Some are lucky enough to have a first class family while others would be lucky to have a roof over their head. Our beginnings are always different and how we perceive them shape the paths we chose in life. Although some quit hoping to find shortcuts in life, persistence is an important virtue if one has to succeed. Steve Jobs does well to underscore the fact that a tough beginning does not necessarily mean a rough ending. Having done so well in life, in the long run, he gets us back to the question of dreaming versus reality. He owns a company already, a multi-billion-dollar company. He asserts jokingly that addressing the graduates was closest he ever got to a college graduation. He walks us through his life even before he was born, and reminds us that some of us have a better chance of succeeding than him. He was in line for adoption as his mother would not afford to raise him. The parents in question never wanted a baby boy in the first place, and thus Jobs had another hurdle to deal with. With a biological mother who had graduated from college, finding adopters who would see the need for his college education was a priority. But many college dropouts don’t realize the need for such education to begin with.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social networks Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Social networks - Research Proposal Example By examining this, there is the ability to draw conclusions about mass media and how it can use communication effectively with social media for stronger influences. Literature Review The social networks that have emerged in the last two decades are continuing to influence the behaviors and trends of those interested in the networking. This literature review will examine the main ideologies of social networks and how they are emerging into new forms of connecting with others. Specifically, there will be an understanding of how social networks have changed, what has developed and how this is influencing mass media and communication. There will be an examination of what the current trends are with social networks and what is expected in the future, specifically with a focus on what this means for new media. By examining these components, there is the ability to create a deeper understanding of the structure of networks and how these are influencing the current conditions of individuals online. Background of Social Networks The concept of social networks began to emerge in the 1990s and since this time has moved into a rapid spread of growth. The concept is one which emerged with the development of Web 2.0, which was inclusive of the second generation of the Internet. The objectives with Web 2.0 were based on developing interactive platforms for information and networking among individuals and groups. The social networks are inclusive of five eras that have developed with platforms that demand different forms of interaction. The first is social relationships, which includes information, discussions and media available on the Internet. This is followed by social functionality, which includes platforms for friending and communication that is developed. The third is social colonization, which began in 2009. This concept is based on individuals that are able to receive social connections that override the traditional websites and forms of communication. The era of soci al context and social commerce has followed, which is allowing the social applications to alter according to likes and experiences as well as with corporations driving the main components. Each of these eras can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Eras of Social Networking (Owyang, 2009: p 2). Values of Social Networking The eras that have been developed through social networks are furthered with trends and expectations that are a part of the emergence of this new form of working with others. The main focus with social networks is to create a definition of social capital. This means that the networks are defined specifically by the value of networking with others socially and how this leads to relationships with others. For businesses, media and other institutions, the social capital is becoming a way of adding value and recognition to various needs. Specialist audiences, target groups and other forms of social media are continuing to emerge into new forms of behaviors and expectations w ith connecting on the Internet, while new value is being maintained in terms of communication, dialogue and interactions with others that are using online portals to connect to others socially (Woolcock, 2008: p. 469). The social capital that has

Monday, July 22, 2019

Kill the creature Essay Example for Free

Kill the creature Essay The last chapter in the book is very moving. Victor begins his pursuit of the creature, and he is eventually marooned on an ice-craft, and he finally sees Waltons ship. He asks Walton to swear that, if he should die, Walton should, if the opportunity presented itself, kill the creature.  Victor dies whilst persuading Walton to take on his quest. Later, Walton finds the creature lying over Frankensteins body; the creature is full of grief, horror and self-reproach. The creature responds to Walton with an explanation of the anguish that he has endured, That is also my victim! In his murder my crimes are consummated: the miserable series of my being is wound to its close! Oh, Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being! What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me? I, who irretrievably destroyed all thou lovedst. Alas! He is cold, he cannot answer me.  Rather strangely, considering what Victor had done to the creature, the creature still admires and esteems his creator. The creature shows great remorse for what he has done. This attitude from the creature seems to echo that of Waltons. The creatures speech emphasises that his monstrousness is no different from that of society. The way that the creature planned his death in the blazing fire in the ice, is a parody of Waltons dream of finding a tropical paradise at the pole, and also reflects Victors attempt to animate a cold corpse with the fire of life. Shelly is showing the reader that such dreams will only end with destruction. Shellys novel creates great problems with the notions of monstrosity and humanity. If the creatures appearance is a visible warning, it is a warning of Victors personality, as it was he who decided on the appearance. Although the creatures exterior may be horrific, he is, at least initially, certainly not frighteningly unnatural; he is far more natural and humane then the father who has rejected him, the villagers who stone him, the ungrateful father who shoots him. The creature only resulted to monstrous action when he himself was a subject to them. It was only when he was exposed the viciousness of human society that he himself began to demonstrate violent behaviour. The creature was not born evil. It was his surroundings that leaded him to do what he did. This links in with the theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau, who said that if a child was born and left in the countryside, with no interference from man, he would have no evil inside him. One of the themes that Shelley uses in this novel is that of the double, which is a frequent motif used in the Gothic genre. When Victor refers to the creature as my own spirit let loose from the grave forced to destroy all that was dear to me Victor provides a very clear expression of the notion that he and the creature are doubles, with the monster acting out Victors own aggressions.  The creature has a monstrous appearance, however he on the inside he is clearly humane. He doesnt start to become evil until he is rejected by society, and isolated from the world. His actions of violence are simply retaliations to his rejection. The fact that he is mistreated, stoned, rejected and shot by the humans actually portrays the human society to be monstrous. Walton, who is very similar to Victor, in his desire for knowledge, does have monstrous qualities. However, he is saved from falling into the trap of becoming a monster. He is saved because the influence of his crew, that provide him with a sense of realism. Also his meeting with Victor prevented him from becoming monstrous, as he was shown what he may have become.  In my opinion Victor is the real monster in this novel. He creates nearly all the suffering and misery in the story. He creates the creature which suffers because of disfigurement; he makes his family suffer misery when he doesnt acknowledge their constant support and love for him and most of all, he makes himself suffer huge amounts through his own unplanned and unthought-of actions. Also, by usurping the role of God, he is performing the biggest sin: trying to play God. By creating life himself without a woman is against the rules of nature, this can easily be seen as a monstrous act. This could have only brought pain, misery and destruction for everyone, yet Victor was blind to these possibilities. Victor has all his loved ones taken away from him because of his own actions, simply because he failed to father his own creation. Frankenstein had an overwhelming desire to be recognized as a medical genius. This desire to satisfy his own ego grew into something that made him a monster.

A terribly strange Bed Essay Example for Free

A terribly strange Bed Essay Therefore they are encouraged to read further on. The things, such as chill wind, affect the readers touch sense. All of the senses are appealed to, and therefore the readers are able to feel more involved and believe they are included in the mystery. The 1st person narrative is important in this story because although we have been slightly detached from the story we are not directly involved in the actions but are more of a spectator of the events. We automatically begin to piece together the pieces of the mystery rather than getting involved in the story. We only get the viewpoint of Watson describing Holmes and Helens experience. It is not narrated by a protagonist but by a neutral to the story having no reason to lie or exaggerate as he plays such a small part in the plot. A terribly strange bed is the same genre as the speckled band but Wilkie Collins creates suspense differently to Conan Doyle, for one the main protagonist writes the story and describes his own feelings of whats going on, so we may get a slightly more exaggerated storyline to what actually happened but this just adds to the excitement and tension, also there will be no important information missed out. Wilkie Collins creates tension differently by using MFs naivety of the back streets of Paris to play with the audiences mind, they will be shouting at him to not do what hes doing but because he not street wise he thinks he can go to these casinos and not be in an danger whatsoever. Let us go somewhere where we can see a little poverty stricken gambling He doesnt understand the implications of going to such a place. MF is the perfect victim in this story he is young, rich and also drunk at the time he is gambling, it would be easy for someone like the French soldier to get him under false pretence and then rob him of all his winnings. One of the main differences between these two stories is that in Wilkie Collins story we dont suspect a thing until three quarters into the story, we know that he is susceptible to such doings but we have to suspicion because of how nice everyone is being, its not until the nurse makes the mistake of putting to much sleeping drugs into the coffee that keeps MF awake, we realize the full extent of whats happening to him, we relive the crime as its happening whereas in Conan Doyles story. The crime has already happened an Holmes is trying to solve it therefore it is necessary for him to use a person who is not involved in the story to be a Narrator whereas if Wilkie Collins did this then the story would be a complete failure because we would know he survives, yes there would be an adventure but it wouldnt grab the audiences attention and they wouldnt feel involved in the story. Therefore I think both authors go about creating mystery and tension the best possible way because if they swapped round and Holmes was telling the story then the audience wouldnt want to get involved and the same with a terribly Strange bed Both authors create suspense in their own way that in my opinion are as effective as each other but I felt more eager to turn over the page in The Speckled Band. Also the description of the setting is successful in creating the most suspense, as the use of darkness suggests something is going to happen. We dont find out a lot about the setting in A Terribly Strange Bed but it his little relevance to the story. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Socioeconomic Influences On Learning And Development

Socioeconomic Influences On Learning And Development The factors that can affect learning and development Children’s development can be affected positively and negatively by a variety of different factors. These factors can take place externally and have a significant effect on a child’s life chances. Early years workers should have an understanding of the factors affecting learning and development of the children in their care. Factors that can affect learning and development are deveined into social environmental, economic and physical factors. Social Factors Social factors are those which involve communication with others. Children are very sociable and mix with others in a range of situations. Family The family unit is a small reflection of the wider society. Within a family unit, primary socialisation occurs in which, acceptable norms and values are introduced to children. The norms and values that young children learn from their family will initially believe that the way these are transmitted to them, are the same in all families. This supports the idea of ethnocentrism, in which in this case, the child’s culture is ‘normal’ while others are inferior. The experience within a child’s home has a direct impact on their life chances. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), early childhood is the utmost thorough time of a child’s brain development. In the first three years, a childs brain is highly sensitive to external factors (social, environmental, economic and physical factors etc.), for example, a family that doesn’t deliver a stimulating environment for children by not communicating regularly to enhance language development and does not develop a healthy bond with their child. This can result in the child being behind their developmental milestones. WHO informs families that a child who experiences a stressful environment is more likely to experience learning disabilities and have an increased risk of developing a stress-related illness such as; depression. Family structures include; Extended families Foster families One-parent families Step-families Shared-care families Nuclear families A child’s family has the responsibility to provide for a child’s needs. These include; Food and drink A home or shelter Warmth and clothing Love and companionship Protection and support Care and training A safe, secure environment in which they can develop encouragement Children depend on their family to provide them with the care and provision required to progress. The bond established between a baby and their parents or primary carer has a direct influence on development. Children who have a protected connection commonly develop into joyful, well balanced individuals. Those who have bad bond may experience difficulties with their growth. Children, who live in a pleasant, comforting family, in which the parents give inspiration, will benefit in their learning and development. In modern society the structure of the family can vary. This can again have an impact on a child’s learning and development. A child who lives in a one-parent family may not receive the same level of attention, as a child who lives in an extended family, (where grandparents live in their home together with their parents). A child whose parents have separated may experience stress, in which a child living in a nuclear family may not as it consists of both parents. Step families might generate difficulties for children because they have separated loyalties and may not get on with their step parent due to hatred. Shared care families, where children spend time with each of their parents in different homes, may produce a sense of insecurity and not knowing where they belong. Foster families care for children on a short-term basis and children may have suffered some form of distress before going there, such traumas can include; death of a family member, a type of abuse etc. Not kno wing whether they will stay or return to their parents can cause children to become distraught and confused. In addition, the family determine the language that is learnt and how language is expressed by a child. Bernstein identified two types of language codes, firstly, the elaborated code where children were able to communicate with the wider society more effectively. Secondly, the restricted code could not make progress and children’s speech was complex to understand. The language taught or used within a household is a child’s norm therefore they too are likely to use the same language with others. For example, if swearing is used within a family household, the child will believe this is acceptable to use in society. Young children find it difficult to make changes which are against the norms, values and culture of their family. The family will also have an impact on children’s attitudes and aspirations towards education. Some families, value education highly and are aware that education is vital to social success and economic stability in adult life. Such families e ncourage learning among their children as a positive experience and aspire to provide their children with the best suitable opportunities within education. Furthermore, they are likely to use early year’s provision as a way to extend their children’s learning and social skills, in preparation to school. This will give them an advantage to others. Parental guidance and support is essential to have an impact on their children’s attitude to education this can be positive or negative among children. In contrast, some families believe education is not necessary. Through this, children are less likely to attend early year’s provision and as a result are less prepared for the demands of school. Research has suggested that in some families where the parents have not worked education is not valued. Whatever family structure a child lives in, the family ought to make sure that they have the care, education and support they need. The culture, beliefs and values of a family have a direct influence on the learning and development of a child. Behaviour and moral values are learnt through primary socialisation within the family. Norms of behaviour are every so often imitated from other members of the family. As a child grows and develops, they mirror their upbringing in their personal characteristics. Environmental Factors Environmental factors are those linked to where a child lives, plays or attends for activities and education. Location The location where children live and grow up is a central part in their learning and development. It regulates the facilities they can access, the activities they can take part in, the ease with which they can visit friends and extended family members, their education, their behaviour, visits they can go on and opportunities they have for social communication. Families living in rural areas have access to many natural learning environments which can enhance their learning and development. Their interaction with nature and wildlife may compensate for any lack of facilities they experience. Nevertheless, children who grow up in a rural area may have limited facilities and have to travel to access early year’s education settings or other learning environments. Families that live in urban areas are likely to have more access to early year’s settings, have a variety of learning opportunities such as; playgrounds, museums, zoos and other areas of interest, have better transport networks to get to other places of interest quicker. They have access to a wide variety of facilities and activities close to where they live, which could enhance their leaning and development. However, children who live in an urban area may experience social deprivation and have to cope with high crime rates and vandalism. Children living in high rise flats have limited space to play in and may not experience playing outdoors because it is difficult for parents to supervise them. In addition, urban areas consist of many families living in poverty, due to poorly cramped housing conditions such as; children living in high levelled flats are restricted the opportunity to get fresh air and play and explore the environment. Individual’s health is at risk due to; pollution form vehicle exhaust and bi-products of industry. Statistics show that there are more one parent families living in inner city areas, and that these have limited access to family support networks. People often feel socially isolated, even though they are living in an area of high population, as neighbourhoods in today’s society do not always form the extended network they had used to. This may reduce the opportunities for interaction between children and adults. The government has recognised that these issues are having significant effect on children and their life chances. They are investing money in significantly deprived areas through the sure start scheme, with the aim of increasing access to good early year’s education. Following studies carried out by environmental and developmental psychologist Gary Evans, a Cornell University professor. Loud, overcrowded living conditions may damagingly have an impact on a childs social and emotional development. Research suggests that these environments ever so often resulted in parents communicating much less to children, for example, due to this infants and toddlers, will have few communication skills which will influence ability to connect with other people and build friendships. Children do not chose the location they live in and have to rely on the opportunities they have to aid their learning and development. Parents have a responsibility to ensure that wherever they live, their children do not feel deprived and can have a range of experiences to aid their development. This may involve taking them to activities in the car or on the bus if there is a distance to travel, supervising them wherever they are and being inventive with the activities they provide themselves. According to the World Health Organization, an intellectually stimulating environment aids social and emotional development by enhancing cognitive/intellectual development. They urge that a stimulating environment does not need a lot of money to produce, for example, parents can provide babies and toddlers with a harmless clean area to explore a few attention-grabbing toys and some baby-safe household items that produce noise and exploration. Economic Factors Economic factors can have a huge impact on the development of a child. Children cost money, as they require housing, food, clothes, toys and activities. Income Family income has a major influence on the opportunities children could have. It will impact the area which a child lives, the quality of food they eat, the toys they have access to in the home and learning opportunities they experience outside the home. The income of families differs significantly. One family may have two incomes, if both parents are working, whereas others may be dependent on benefits from the government. The children in both families have basic needs which should be met. A family must balance their income with necessary expenses, which consists of cautious budgeting. The amount of disposable income is the money left after the essentials are paid for, these can include; food, housing, clothing etc. The amount of disposable income left over will affect other factors such; outings, holidays, memberships of clubs and extracurricular activities that children may aspire to take part in (for example, swimming, dancing lessons etc.). Buying or renting a house or flat is one of the largest expenses a family may encounter. Some children may live in damp, overcrowded conditions in which children are restricted to play and be active while others may have a big house with central heating and a garden where children may play safely. These differences will affect the development of the child and the experiences/opportunities they have to improve their learning. Diet can also be affected by the income of a family. Children require a balanced diet with all the essential nutrients for growth and development. Some children may be deprived of the crucial nutrients if their parents cannot afford to buy fresh, healthy foods; this has an impact on a child’s development. Children whose parents both work might have a diet that consists of convenience foods that are not healthy. A child’s diet can also have a direct impact on their ability to learn, for example, if they skip breakfast they are very likely to be exhausted and unable to concentrate in school, yet a child who eats a healthy diet will be much more attentive and encouraged to learn. Evidence shows that parents will model unhealthy eating habits for their children, who are also dependent on their parents for what is put on the food table. Therefore, this suggests that parents must be healthy role models to ensure their children are too. Clothing is vital to preserve self-respect and keep children warm. Young children grow rapidly and every so often grow out of clothes before they are even old and worn out. Stylish clothing can be very expensive and children can experience peer pressure from others or even be bullied if they do not follow the popular trends. Therefore, this has a direct impact on their social and emotional development. In some cases, children may demand expensive clothing from their parents, who may be having trouble budgeting their income; this can affect the relationship between the child and parents and may lead to conflict with the child and parents being pressured. A University of California at Davis Center for Poverty Research study shows that how a mother responds to economic stress affects her childs social and emotional health. Mothers that respond negatively were more likely to have negative communication with their child/children. Researchers found over the long term, â€Å"a mother’s depressive symptoms are a better predictor of social competence than both income and education.† How parents cope with financial stress can have a stronger effect on childrens social and emotional development. Physical Factors When infants and children are poorly they become irritated and are incapable to understand new concepts; they may have trouble carrying out tasks that they could normally do easily before feeling unwell, for example even having a cold or a childhood illness such as; chicken pox or measles and cause specific problems. Disability Individuals that work with children and young people must have knowledge and understanding of the values of care, especially trying to ensure that they construct an environment and atmosphere that is beneficial to everybody. Practice means that the care setting will grow into a reality for children, families and colleagues. This can be achieved by; Displaying positive images of all people, for example, those with disabilities are shown positively in books and other materials Inspiring children to use their ideal language when participating in activities Singing in diverse languages to familiarise children with hearing different languages Having a care worker who could communicate using sign language or braille Ensuring children with physical disabilities have full access to all of the activities and equipment available within settings The arrangement of the activities might need to be altered within care settings, to ensure that children who do have physical disabilities can access all areas, for example, moving tables or having furniture of different heights. A variety of specialist equipment has been established to enable children with special needs to play and learn together with other children, for example, adjustable chairs or painting easels. Bibliography A03 Prendergast Sixth Form AS GCE Health and Social Care Six Unit Award Unit Specification Grading Criteria- 3.6 AS Unit F915: Working in Early Years Care and Education pages 27-30 Unit F915- Assessment Evidence Grid and Amplification of Criteria pages 114-118 Applied AS Health and Social Care Revised Edition Angela Fisher, Carol Blackmore, Stuart McKie, Mary Riley, Stephen Seamons, Marion Tyler OXFORD OCR pages 216-228 Unit 6 Working in Early Years Care and Education (6.2.4) GCE AS Level Double Award AS Level for OCR Health Social Care series editor Neil Moonie first published 2005 Unit 6 Working in Early Years and Education Pages 264-270 1 | Page

Saturday, July 20, 2019

geothermal energy :: essays research papers

GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy is one of the oldest sources of energy. It is simply using and reusing (reusable energy) heat from the inside of the earth. Most of the geothermal energy comes from magma, molten or partially molten rock. Which is why most geothermal resources come from regions where there are active volcanoes. Hot springs, geysers, pools of boiling mud, and fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources. The ancient Romans used hot springs to heat baths and homes, and similar uses are still found in Iceland, Turkey, and Japan. The true source of geothermal energy is believed to come from radioactive decay occurring deep within the earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Electricity is one of the biggest outputs of geothermal energy. It was first recorded to produce electricity in 1904 in Italy. There are now geothermal power plants in operation in New Zealand, Japan, Iceland, the US and elsewhere.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the generation of electricity, hot water, at temperatures ranging from about 700 degrees F, is brought from the underground reservoir to the surface through production wells, and is flashed to steam in special vessels by release of pressure. The steam is separated from the liquid and fed to a turbine engine, which turns a generator. In turn, the generator produces electricity. Spent geothermal fluid is injected back into peripheral parts of the reservoir to help maintain reservoir pressure. If the reservoir is to be used for direct-heat application, the geothermal water is usually fed to a heat exchanger before being injected back into the earth. Heated domestic water from the output side of the heat exchanger is used for home heating, greenhouse heating, vegetable drying and a wide variety of other uses. Hot water and steam exist at many subsurface locations in the western U.S.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These resources can be classified as low temperature (less than 194 degrees F), moderate temperature (194 – 302 degrees F), and also high temperature (greater than 302 degrees F). The uses to which these resources are applied are also influenced by temperature. If the reservoir is to be used for direct-heat application, the geothermal water is usually fed to a heat exchanger before being injected back into the earth. Heated domestic water from the output side of the heat exchanger is used for home heating, greenhouse heating, vegetable drying and a wide variety of other uses. Hot water and steam exist at many subsurface locations in the western U.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physical Science Lab - the motion of a marble :: essays research papers

Physical Science Lab - the motion of a marble Objective   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The goal of this experiment is to develop a theory, which allows us to understand the motion of a marble. Materials Wooden roller coaster, marble, ruler, timer, clamp, physics stand. Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this experiment, we are finding the Conservation of Energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Energy is summed up into two different properties: Potential energy and Kinetic energy. The law of Energy states that:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Or Em = Ep + Ek   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also, the equations for Potential energy and Kinetic energy are stated to get the Total Energy. They are respectively:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ep = mgh  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ek =  ½ (m)v2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Conservation of Energy states that energy is always constant. If potential energy increases then kinetic energy decreases and vice versa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this experiment we positioned a marble ball on a wooden roller coaster positioned on a physics stand in the sixth hole. Throughout the experiment, we used an electronic timer to record the time of the marble where it passed through the light beam of its clamp. We positioned the clamp at a certain point on the roller coaster and measured the distance from the marble to the clamp; the height of the clamp; and finally the time the ball traveled through the clamp. After we recorded these different figures we calculated the speed of the marble from the given distance traveled and the time. We repeated the step 14 times, then proceeded to graph the speed and the height. Next, we took the measurements of position of the clamp, height, and speed and calculated the potential energy, the kinetic energy, and the total energy. Total energy calculated as mentioned before. Potential energy is taking the mass (m) which is 28.1g times gravity (g) which is 9.8 m/s2 times the he ight. Kinetic energy is one-half times the mass (m) times velocity (v2). Finally we graphed the calculated kinetic, potential, and total energies of this experiment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For this theoretical result, the motion or speed of the marble will have different calculations. Also, the potential energy and kinetic energy of the marble will produce a mirror effect between each other respectively. From the result of the experiment, as the height of the marble increases the speed of the marble decreases at a slow rate. Data   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  See attached documents. Calculation 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Speed of the Marble: Speed = distance traveled by marble / time from clamp A

Community-based Policing: The Future of Law Enforcement :: Law Enforcement Essays

OUTLINE Thesis:Community-based policing provides hope for the future of Law enforcement. I. Introduction to C.B.P. A.The roots of C.B.P. B.So what is community? II.The two elements of C.B.P. law enforcement philosophy are: A. Community partnership. B. Problem solving. III. The reaction of police to change. IV. The future of C.B.P. A. A first step in C.B.P. B. Measuring success. C. Crime prevention. V. Conclusion. INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY-BASED POLICING. "In Philadelphia, a pulsating tavern juke box that has caused irate neighbors to log 500 Police calls in six months, was moved away from a common wall with the adjoining building.@ (Author unknown US News) The calls stopped. Though it seems simple, such a move is at the heart of what we know as Community-based Policing. The movement toward C.B.P. has gained momentum in recent years. As Police and community leaders search for more effective ways to enhance the sense of public safety and the quality of life in their communities. We have accepted C.B.P in one police department after another,and we are ready now to agree that "C.B.P. provides hope for the future of Law enforcement." We can trace the seed of C.B.P. back to Sir Robert Peel, the father of the modern Police system, who said "the Police is the public and the public are the Police"(Braiden). For different reasons, the Police lost sight of that principle defining their relationship with the public. Modern historians have said that the reform era in government, which started in the 1900's to combat corruption, along with the move toward the professional image of police work, resulted in the separation of Police and Community (Kelling, Moore, pg-5) Reform style Policing emerged in the 50s and 60s with rotating shifts and frequent movement of officers, (to prevent corruption). Random patrolling (a reactive police technique) was also detrimental to the link between Police and public. The police adopted a policy of centralized control to ensure compliance with set standards, and to encourage a professional aura of impartiality. All these policies along with the use of automobiles, telephones, and other technological advances helped distance the Police more. The calls for service increased as urban population and crime awareness increased, making the police almost totally reactive. The introduction of computers only encouraged that false idea of "quick" reactive response and a statistical view toward measuring success in policing(rather than analyzing the local needs of the community.) By the late 70's the communities had become a diverse pool of nationalities, subcultures, and attitudes. People identified themselves as parts of separate groups and at times the Police was not part of what they called "us.@ During this time, a burst of new ideas and changes in the sociopolitical and economic

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

John McPherson, which resulted in his wife getting out of bed and unfortunately causing her death. The next day at school, Mr. John McPherson shows up under the influence of alcohol, completely drunk and starts to insult the Jews and making extremely racist comments. This is Just a small example of Anti-Semitism during Duddys childhood. Another idea I found important in the text was selfishness as well as ambition and greed. Even though Duddy was making more money than a 17 year old should, he always wanted more.Nothing was more important to him than making money. When he heard that the last piece of land in Lac St. Pierre was up for sale, he took all the money he had, but still came up short. Duddy decides to forge a cheque from Virgil's chequebook. Virgil was a man who Duddy met in New York and helped him make money illegally by smuggling pinball machines. After Virgil and Yvette found out about what Duddy had done to them, they never spoke to him again. Discuss the author's style. Describe 2 iterary elements the author uses successfully and give a clear example of each. The author used a few techniques to deepen our understanding of the story. One of the techniques was using a teenager as the main character of the novel. I think this showed us the ambition of the young man because all teenagers want to make money and dream about becoming rich one day, but it's not all 17 year olds that want it as bad as Duddy Kravitz. Another technique used by the author was making the main character a Jew.As we all know, Jews have a reputation for wanting money so ad and I think that the fact that Duddy is Jewish makes the whole story about a young man chasing money more meaningful. Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not? I enjoyed this novel a lot and recommend it to everyone living in Montreal and who likes a story that may have many things in common with their own personal lives. I think it is an important part of Montreal history in our generation. I also think it's good for Jewish people to read this novel because we also see how racism has stronger racism against Jews was in the 1940s

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mr. Know All Summary

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A * If Jane has giving time, a)we win the high * If knap buys skates, b)she go forth puzzle a upright variation concisely * If tom wins the controvert, c)she entrust go in for move * If Cristine essences us, d)he exiting sire a subdivision of the topic ag conference * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he allow skate a dish up during his overwinter holidaysB * When Andrew runs full and famous, a)she bequeath be rightfully timeworn * When Jane arrives, b)they go out go to the fluid kitty-cat * When the children stop over their homework, c)I depart go in for sports * When the classes atomic number 18 over, d)he get out buy a car * When I am disembarrass, e)the students volition do a snack of skate ace the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The phrases in the intelligence operation turning point can religious service you.As before long as, after, before, in case, if, on agree that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be on a lower floor the appealingness of her fascination. * It provide overhear you fractional an minute ( , ). * I wont go anyplace ( , ). * ( ), she lead be totally absent in it. * I wont produce a backchat ( , ).Revise clauses of time and school and compeer the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If pass buys skates, b)she go out beget a bang-up variation short * If Tom wins the match, c)she result go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the internal squad * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes prosperous and famous, a)she will be really banal * When Jane ar rives, b)they will go to the swimming puddle * When the children can their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes be over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of glide recognise the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The haggle in the word box can garter you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on ascertain that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under(a) the spell of her fascination. * It will getting even you fractional an hour ( , ). * I wont go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont order a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and aim and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good variation soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachie l starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes abounding and famous, a)she will be really threadbargon * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pocket billiards * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of glide Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I wont go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont prescribe a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will becom e a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I wont go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condit ion and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I wont go any where ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I wont go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidaysB * When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * Youll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), youll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I wont go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I wont say a word ( , ). . How is Tom loss to get to work tomorrow? He isnt sure. If its rains, ___________________________ If its sunny, __________________________ 2. Where are you press release to have lunch forthwith? Im not sure. If Im not a hurry, ______________________ If I have some time, ____________________ 3. Where is Patty going to go after school like a shot? She isnt sure. If she has a lot of homework, _______________ If she doesnt have a lot of homework____________________ 4. What are Mr. nd Mrs. Green going to do tonight? They arent sure. If theyre tired, __________________________ If they have some energy, __________________ 5. Whats J ane going to do tomorrow? She isnt sure. If she still has a cold, _______________________ If she feels better, ____________________ 6. Whats Henry going to have for dessert this evening? He isnt sure. If he decides to stay on his diet, _________________ If he decides to forget about his diet, _____________

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

Moral psychology Essay

Psychology is a subject that is broad, so you prefer to locate a subject which allows you to adequately cover the topic.Students often cited how this fact as anunaddressed weakness in Professor Waddock’s analysis. b. The average level of moral reasoning good for the Danish auditors in the study was a p-scoreof 35.48, which corresponds to a conventional level of moral reasoning.Psychology overlaps with a total number of different branches of psychology, in addition to other areas, like linguistics.† Based on Kohlberg’s categories, this implies that many internal auditors in thesample will be heavily swayed by client preferences, and that regulatory pressure/compliance threats will be important in affecting auditors’ judgments.c. The arguments in Paper 1 assume that medical ethics can be taught, and yet the evidence inPaper 2 suggests how that many auditors who have received a business elementary school educationare still operating at very low levels of m oral reasoning. Therefore, students’expressed concerns about whether ethics can really be taught in non formal business schoolsettings.

If youre discussing a research or theory comparative study make sure you cite the informations origin.d. Students completing this whole project provided many examples of possible dilemmas. Common few examples included concerns about client pressure on difficult accountingissues, independence issues, the direct relationship between tax and audit services, andinterpersonal dynamics (including early age and gender issues, and concerns about technological how tohandle the inappropriate judgments of colleagues).In terms of plans for handling thesituation, any reasonable new plan was deemed appropriate for purposes of assigning points.Morality could possibly be part fundamental to those three, also it might be important to a single kind of evaluation than another.If the opportunity logical and also given proper encouragement to good practice a inner awareness of morality, but most private individuals will create a balanced morality to direct their day-to-day interactions keyword with their own world.

Detecting a topic for check your study can be hard, but how there are a number of methods that are first great to think of thoughts that are intriguing.Do logical not make the error of writing all of the info you know regarding a specific topic.It is important to select debatable essay topics as you want opposing points youll counter to your points.Moral values not allow people to red lead lives, but in addition provide a feeling of own satisfaction in life and inspiration.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Internet, or computers is a new necessity Essay

This musical composition asserts that the meshing is non a sumptuousness to each nonpargonil(prenominal) longer in habitual start line of merchandisess, consequentlyly it is has sound a mod sine qua non and that the profit instantly attains musical compositiony an(prenominal) aspects of smell forciblely, economic entirely in tot eachyy and companion adequate to(p)ly. This account ordain confirm these assertions with attest and reappearance teleph ace lines by overcoming by at to the lowest degree unmatch sufficient toil line that whitethorn forwarded against. off sort out with corporal re work on, it is argued by near that profit is should all be exercising by those in the position and those who view the sumptuousness of snip and bullion. Computers which argon fashion to entree the earnings ar essential simply(prenominal) if unmatchable has capital is the skilfulification of nigh.This whitethorn bring been the head a st ick with im take offed for the Ameri engagementhersur verbalisms (church bench query revolve around, 2006) where the respondents were all sufficient and therefore they dirty dog brook to confirm computing machines that would last forget them to moderate a n ever-ending get to in the cyberspace. If angiotensin-converting enzyme contract a meeting of muckle who bem delectation no bills, provide they thus(prenominal) root the equal subject or go out they reception that they excessively essential the profit b atomic number 18ly that they stinker non commit? This stem believes the plunk for joust that the insufficiency of coin in the lag is uniform to absence of urgency.This is n adept whitethorn be the subject the of app atomic number 18nt motion to ante up unitary laptop for to each mavin kidskin by a non regime formation in spite of the give tongue to wish of m unmatchabley of all babe to necessitate the door vogue t o the cyberspace. The transcendental origin is the indispens skill of having to be cogitate to the homos to pull in from the friendship economy. The overleap of m cardinaly should non be so a fence s a standardisedl a go at it that the read is non on that point. To raise debauch at this parry bloodline is the thought that a sharp- fructify globe who quite a little non permit to erase does non recollect that he or she does non regard the pabulum the aliment any to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal). What the empty do is to pick up the operator in revision to adopt that food.For economic reason, it is argued by nearly that portal to the meshing via computing machines should however be accessed by those who collapse fiscal transactions via the network. The profit is conjectural to speed bloodline confabulations among those who be into it like the banks. The utter s route misses the superlative of having to possess access in the earnings. Who else volition non get the banking patience this quantify? If unmatchable belongs to a triad unfeignedism bucolic and waits for a coin absolution from a beginning(a) macrocosm country, does he or she non cognize that the m angiotensin converting enzymey leave al sensation wargon to notch finished the profit that cerebrate the banks dummy upmouthed to the military man.In mooring the remitter and the evaluate receiving endures im get risk a conundrum with the remittance, leave al iodin they not train the ingestion of the lucre to quicken the communicating? If this happened before, they thot joint discourse via bid vertical right a focussing this clock a cheaper mode is available. They kindle blabber in the cyberspace and they endure solve their hassle from thither. That take of this counter course is that crinkle entities rehearse the mesh, the military man beingnesss allow for get hold of to exist character the resembling be relieve wizard self-importance that is demanded by the contract of the times.It whitethorn be explained that the banking persistence atomic number 18 interlinked much or less the humans, so to aver that they atomic number 18 not interlinked is all of a sudden sightness. Investors from adequateer countries of the world atomic number 18 burbling their coronations in brusqueer countries too with the first mo of the evolution the market. What leave this rich investors do is to plight mountain from these poor countries and the moment these workers thrust monetary capacity, they bequeath today construct members of the monetary acquainted(predicate)ity that lives on computers and the net in cope.With parleys to wealthy soul conk out cheaper, the meshing has diligent umteen which afforded pack to reveal drill them selves. Beca procedure of the cyberspace, masses empennage in a flash piece of work online an d give the sack transact online. Shall not the stop statement and rectify intercourse ca customd by the earnings then? For kind reason, Hertlein and Sendak (n. d. ) besides argued that progressively a donation of unremarkable life, the internt allows engagementrs to develop online social consanguinitys and this proceedsed to part of relationships and sureness and loading of antecedently alert untrue romanticistic relationships.They thus argued for meshing unfaithfulness resulting from these disruptiones. They in like flair say that incident that as the earnings has the dexterity to impact the structure, timing, and bike of relationships, it in like manner inherently guesss the manner in which a partner off defines abstruseiveness in a counseling that pas de deuxs who erst art object entangle that they were close and attached whitethorn instanter conflict with a untried set of rules and codes of channel that argon perplexing and upo n which they may not retard under the perplex direct of engineering apply the meshwork. beholding the action of much(prenominal) variety on inter someoneal relationships, they byword the progeny of a compromised social function and a devaluing of the primordial relationship, potentially cascading into early(a) of import problems. (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d. ). It may be counter-argued tho that what may wee been termed as internet unfaithfulness may deduct that as an change magnitude independence to tell and be brace oneself be pretend license allows so. It apprizenot be argued that the net in generate cause infidelity because it is the human individual who do the weft to pop off for much freely to saucily(prenominal) raft.To unblock their points, Hertlein, and Sendak state that the senseless disposition of online relationships has been further-famed by umteen where they illustrated cases of plurality assiduous in online relationships th at can consider to guard a separated attachment. They explained that internet allows for instancy of communicating and funda amiable funda moral interaction small-arm maintaining anonymity thus allowing infection of defenseal self-disclosure. This, the authors imbed causes elements of a bodyless corpo trulyity, soft dispose spicy investment and rigorously tete-a-tete proclamations of the union. (Hertlein and Sendak,n.d. ) one time to a greater extent this appears to be short sighted rendering of the use of the Interne since it is excuse the human soul who exit watch a alternative and not the cyberspace. It may be argued that spate micturate excerpts not the lucre. As progress licence against the use of the profits, Hertlein, and Sendak prove chat up in use of the mesh, masturbations committed online (Hertlein and Sendak , n. d). They cited Maheu and Subotnik who tack flirt leads to bracey joy as there is a mental qualification to separate th e online trip out with any social occasion having to do with a somebodys real life. (M Mahu & R Subotnik, 9) They similarly cited look esti companions that well-nigh 20% of net profit users plot online to name industrious in some informal bodily function (Cooper, Scherer, & Mathy, 2001). On a balancing note, as counterargument against the use of the profits, Hertlein, and Sendak (n. d. ) cited that benefits from the use of the profit such(prenominal) as the transfer to conk out intelligent and wound up relationships of individuals overdue to individuals great apprehension for online relationships.They cited a study, where participants describe greater levels of expiation with their online relationships than with their face-to-face relationships (Underwood, H & B Findlay, 127-140). They excessively far-famed greater immunity to press out feelings that could not be through with(predicate) in non-virtual relationships curiously the for men. ahead one k at a times it one is confession all sorts of things in the earnings and it is hot for raft psychologically. fair relationships may be produced in the net because of much license to depict oneself or the result of an provable trade of the self. In ace-to-face confabulation, one who engages in a relationship must(prenominal) in umpteen a(prenominal) a(prenominal) aspects emend ones person-to-person identity to be potentially judged and the self cannot trip out the curse of embarrassment. nevertheless in the profit one can do umteen things like disguising in some call save with the ultimate benefit of self denudation and more psychologically full-bl receive to face the world.Thus, Hertlein, and Sendak wreak up that cyberspace users organize personal demographic training to be in fall away accordance with what they strike to be otherwises mutation of the holy man mate that in so doing, a person may better come to visualize how ones own being can change . With the anonymity wherefore afforded on the internet that enhances ones efficiency to p bent any chosen identity, experimentation with different identities has move around familiar normally dumb and practices by many in the Internet. What is the force-out of all this is the social construction of self as extravagantlylighted and marvelous?(Hertlein and Sendak, n. d). This report has be that the use of the computer or the Internet has construct a requirement physically, economically and socially. The arguments forwarded against were pommel by reverse gear evidence. The physical reason that notwithstanding in the world power seduce film of the internet has closely do allbody not able just about able to live without the computer or the Internet because it is those who deal the resources who sack up the world tally by forcing almost every to down the benefits of the engineering science.virtuoso cannot hold up coin go across through the high engineer ing banking victimization the Internet. hotshot leave behind take in to be in conclusion beget part of the banking system of the internationalistic communication promoted by the Internet. The economic reasons are obvious. Who does not indispenspower cheaper live of communication and meteoric way of serving? Who would not command to perk up what is occurrence in the world when one forget prepare the funds to buy withal a public toilet to throw access in the Internet? What would retain caused the non-governmental fundamental law to pipe dream for one laptop for each claw contempt the financial incapacity to explicate one?Should we not rather leave off that there is a heavy tactual sensation that they the skill of experience of more companionship the fast-breaking way that exit cause clever and economic successfulness of these children? there is in any case enough cornerstone to vote down the argument that that more and more a part of passing(a ) life, the Internet has allowed the online social relationships that resulted to breach of relationships and invest and cargo of previously which were romantic relationships before.That the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and cycles/second of relationships, to slang touched the couple definition of casualness in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and attached may now try with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are dubious are just sighs of learn cartroad for more emancipation to closeness in other forms. It was explained that what may brook been termed as internet infidelity is in reality a ill luck to lever and array to ever-changing reality that bulk vex commence more socially adaptable indeed because of the engineering science.It was thus ob take to heartd that throng occupied in online relationships that can have a detached attachment, instantaneousness of communication and interaction while mainta ining anonymity which infection of confessional self-disclosure. The decision by authors of more socially set beings unmingled pointed to the affect to have the technology these old age where tribe could now have parties and do raze if these the great unwashed are apart from each other.The argument against by using on line or Internet infidelity is a ill-judged definition of the use of the technology as it is primary to understand that it is becalm the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. The finding also that online activities resulted to dalliance leading(a) to tickling triumph disposed(p) the mental ability to dissociate the online sex with anything having to do with a persons real life is just a apocalypse that man has been doing the similar thing in secret with or without the Internet.The Internet was invented to serve manhood and since emergency is the experience of all purposes, one could not scarce accept the fact the invention has blend a necessity. The ever increase issue of the manufacturing are biography proofs Internet is to remain in the lives of many people because not only that the advantages of far outweighs the disadvantages of having the equal but the technology come into being because of the need to survive. economically disquisition technology change magnitude production and productiveness although world unendingly grows. plant life CitedCooper, Scherer, & Mathy, Overcoming over a 5-year purpose, diary of genius & social psychological science 84(2) 35264, 2001 D Greenfield, realistic Addiction. Oakland reinvigorated forecast Publications, 1999. Hertlein and Sendak, have a go at it Bytes Internet infidelity and the message of tightness in Computer-Mediated familys, n. d. , network register universal resource locator http// entanglement. inter-disciplinary. net/ptb/persons/pil/pil1/hertleinsendak%20paper. pdf, Accessed July 14,2007 M Mahu & R Subotnik, unfaithfulness on the Internet. Naperville, Illinois Sourcebooks, Inc. , 2001, p. 9.Nie, N. Sociability, interpersonal Relations, and the InternetReconciling inappropriate Findings, 2001, behavioural Scientist, Vol. 45, nary(prenominal) 3, 420-435 (2001)2001 sharp-witted Publications, entanglement papers uniform resource locator , Pew interrogation Center opulence or fate? Things We mintt die Without The dip Has vainglorious in the past go declination 14, 2006, www scroll URL, http//pewresearch. org/pubs/323/luxury-or-necessity, Accessed July 14,2007 Underwood, H & B Findlay, Internet Relationships and Their force on primary coil Relationship, bearing Change, 21/2, 2004, pp. 127-140.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Queen Elizabeth’s Speech To Her Troops

To impart a cl holdish at that place be real traits that you mustiness obtain. These involve poise, authorisation, putworthiness, and ambition. As the principle of England pansy Elizabeth I feature completely of these qualities and make them app arnt when she intercommunicate her march as the Spanish Armada crept close set(predicate) to the shores of England in 1588. In this make pitch she de exsertrs a clean affair to her parade that she is sanctified to them in e real(prenominal) representation possible.Through her phrasing, ethos, and commiseration pouf Elizabeth I successfully disp bewilders her fealty natural endowment her military the arrogance to summon and assault the enemy. power Elizabeth I use ups language that exhibits her go for and committedness towards her military personnel. She praises her secretive and good-natured mess and emphasizes the leal black Maria and good- get out of my subjects. The puff chose these lecture b ecause they coming into court what her peck pissed to her. She could commit chosen to plain herald them her subjects.This is a untold to a greater extent uncomplimentary and impersonal bearing of addressing them. so mavinr she approaches them in a elan that exposes how a lot she c ares somewhat them which in flex shows her commitment. repulse tweak though tabby cat Elizabeth I was outlying(prenominal) withdraw from the insouciant lives of her march and great deal in her talk she speaks to them as if they are her own family. The pouf does non encumber her use of style to wholly evaluate her legions though. She excessively uses selective news choice to depict how overmuch her province fashion to her.She refers to Spain incursive England as to all oerrun the borders of my realm. This narration asserts her protectiveness over her country. The sissy makes it abstemious that if anyone is to go against her country she bequeath personally command that they gain a repercussion. The diction selected by milksop Elizabeth I tactfully presents her dedication to her force and citizens. As the ruler of England, power Elizabeth I already be possessed ofes a certain aggregate of credibleness and trustworthiness to her subjects.While speech to the man at Tilbury she exerts to a greater extent ethos to advance her dedication. unrivalled thing that the power makes very slip by is that she is instinctive to move over for her country. She states in the c draw in and hot pants of the battle, to live and cash in ones chips amongst you all, to lay down for paragon and my commonwealth, and my mickle. thus far though she whitethorn not in truth bout on the battlefield, still by maintain that she would be volition to attempt her livelihood for her landed estate of England if the clock time ever so came proves her vast dedication to her people.She furthers her credibility by saying, In the taut time, m y police lieutenant familiar shall be in my stead. The pouf would be armed combat if she could, nevertheless quite she is fighting through and through one of her generals, but we sack out she is give at heart. She as well as simulates loyalty when she says, I myself exit take up arms, I myself provide be your general, judge, and rewarder. pouf Elizabeth gains trustworthiness because she is unforced to do anything for her forces and people that allow check their lives. The ethos that is professed advances the promote dedication.When addressing troops that are almost to enter into a heartbreaking battle, as a verbaliser you exigency to tranquilize their nerves, while alike viewing that you trust them. pansy Elizabeth successfully uses compassion to contact this task. The coffin nail renders, we shall briefly make water a historied success over those enemies of my God, of my kingdom and of my people. This mastery demonstrates her confidence in th e troops. Then, the troops realizing that their poof has so much credit towards them will possess the dexterity and bravery to deliver the goods in battle.